
M13 belongs to the group of small filamentous coliphages containing single- stranded circular DNA of 2 × 106 molecular weight (1). The phage does not kill the host but leaks out of intact and multiplying cells (2,3). Thus it behaves like an autonomously multiplying lytic phage except for lysis of the host. Jaenisch et al. (4) showed that M13 messenger RNA has an unusually long half-life of at least 18 min. On the other hand, Roy (5) showed that rifampicin and actino-mycin D inhibit phage synthesis almost immediately after addition to the infected culture. It appeared reasonable to us to look into the effects of rifampicin on M13 DNA replication in wild-type and rifampicin-resistant strains of Escherichia coli.KeywordsReplicative FormLytic PhageAmino Acid IncorporationUridine IncorporationEquilibrium UltracentrifugationThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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