
Background and Hypothesis: B-cell identity is determined by a set of B-cell transcription factors including PAX5, IKZF1 and EBF1. However, B-lineage leukemia clones often carry secondary genetic lesions that result in reduced activity or inactivation of these transcription factors. Studying patient samples from clinical trials for B-lineage childhood (P9906; n=187) and adult (MDACC; n=92) leukemia, we found that genetic defects in one or more B-cell transcription factors represent near-obligate lesions in human acute lymphoblastic leukemia (209 of 279 B-lineage ALL cases). While previously of unknown significance, we found that adult ALL cases with known lesions in one or more of these transcription factors had higher activity of lactate dehydrogenase, and phospho-states indicated higher activity of IRS1, PDK1, and AKT, which contribute to glucose uptake. For this reason, we investigated whether B-cell transcription factors set metabolic constraints of oncogenic signaling in leukemia.Results: Reconstitution of wildtype PAX5 and IKZF1 in patient-derived B-lineage ALL cells carrying PAX5 and IKZF1deletions decreased phospho-AKT levels. Furthermore, protein levels of multiple positive regulators involved in glucose uptake and metabolism (including insulin receptor, glucose transporters and hexokinases) were downregulated upon reconstitution of PAX5 and IKZF1. Conversely, protein levels of negative regulators of glucose uptake and metabolism including NR3C1 and TXNIP were upregulated upon reinstatement of PAX5 and IKZF1 function. Analysis of ChIPseq data of human B cells revealed binding of multiple B-cell transcription factors including PAX5, IKZF1 and EBF1 to promoter regions of genes encoding positive regulators of glucose uptake and metabolism. Binding peaks for B-cell transcription factors were also observed at genes that encode negative regulators of glucose uptake and metabolism (NR3C1 and TXNIP). In addition, direct recruitment of PAX5 was confirmed by single-locus quantitative chromatin immunoprecipitation (qChIP).Reconstitution of wildtype PAX5 and IKZF1 in patient-derived B-lineage ALL cells caused depletion from the cell culture in competitive growth assays, in parallel with reduced glucose consumption and depletion of cellular ATP levels. On the contrary, overexpression of dominant-negative PAX5-ETV6 and IK6 in patient-derived B-lineage ALL cells expressing wildtype PAX5 and IKZF1 resulted in a net survival advantage, concomitant with increases in both glycolytic activity and cellular ATP levels. PAX5-mediated impaired survival fitness was significantly rescued by CRISPR-based activation of gene expression of insulin receptor, glucose transporter and hexokinases in patient-derived B-lineage ALL cells. Conversely, CRISPR/Cas9-mediated deletion of NR3C1 and TXNIP largely reversed the effects of PAX5. Finally, reduced survival fitness upon reconstitution of wild-type PAX5 and IKZF1 in patient-derived pre-B ALL cells was mostly rescued by metabolites that can enter the TCA cycle and thus provide ATP.Conclusions: In summary,B-cell-specific restriction of glycolytic energy supply represents a previously unrecognized metabolic barrier against malignant transformation. Our findings suggest a causative link between impaired glucose uptake and metabolism caused by B-cell transcription factors as well as cell death, and the known tumor suppressive function of PAX5 and IKZF1 in B-lineage ALL. DisclosuresNo relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

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