
Previous work showed that alterations in Brassica napus (Bn) SHOOTMERISTEMLESS (BnSTM) expression levels influence microspore-derived embryogenesis in B. napus. While over-expression of BnSTM increased microspore-derived embryo (MDE) yield and quality, down-regulation of BnSTM repressed embryo formation [16]. Transcriptional analyses were conducted to investigate the molecular mechanisms underpinning these responses. The induction of BnSTM resulted in a heavy transcriptional activation of genes involved in antioxidant responses, hormone signalling and developmental processes. Several antioxidant enzymes, including catalases, superoxide dismutases, and components of the Halliwell-Asada cycle were induced in embryos ectopically expressing BnSTM and contributed to the removal of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These changes were accompanied by elevated levels of ascorbate and glutathione, which have been shown to promote embryonic growth and development. Induction or repression of BnSTM altered the early cytokinin response, whereas late responses, modulated by Type-A Arabidopsis response regulators (ARRs), were induced in MDEs over-expressing BnSTM. Major differences between transgenic MDEs were also observed in the expression pattern of several auxin transporters and key developmental factors required for normal embryogenesis. While some of these factors, BABYBOOM1 (BBM1) and SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR KINASE (SERK), play a key role during early embryogeny, others, CYP78A5, LEAFY COTYLEDON1 and 2 (LEC1 and LEC2), as well as WOX2 and 9, are required for proper embryo development. Collectively these results demonstrate the involvement of BnSTM in novel developmental processes which can be utilized to enhance invitro embryogenesis.

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