
Summary and Future Directions. The liver-en-riched transcription factors (C/EBP, HNF1, HNF3,HNF4, and HNF6) bind to multiple promoter/enhancersites and synergistically interact with each other to stim-ulate hepatocyte-specific gene transcription. Liver devel-opment requires retention of numerous proliferation-specific transcription factors that required proliferation,migration, and survival of hepatic progenitor cells. TheHNF6 and HNF1 proteins are critical for gallbladderand bile duct development, while the mesodermal Foxf1transcription factor is essential for gallbladder develop-ment. The HNF1 , HNF4 , Foxa2, and Foxa3 tran-scription factors regulate expression of genes critical forhepatocyte differentiation during embryonic and postna-talliverdevelopment.ThenuclearorphanreceptorsLXR,FXR, and PPAR are also known to play critical roles inregulating expression of hepatic genes involved in lipid,cholesterol, and bile acid metabolism. These nuclear re-ceptor knockout mouse studies have been summarized in

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