
Abstract. Neuromodulation is an exciting area of development. Currently, there is significant interest in academia, industry, and clinical practice where an effective and acceptable transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) kit for use in clinical rehabilitation would offer much benefit to patients’ treatment. In this review, I discuss the latest group studies investigating current tDCS methods for enhancing aphasia treatment effects in post-stroke (sub-acute and chronic) and primary progressive aphasia (PPA) patient populations. This field is still new, and many more investigations with larger samples of patients are needed. Nevertheless, in the studies completed to date, on-line tDCS paired with language rehabilitation was feasible, safe, well tolerated, and sham controlled. Results on the effectiveness of tDCS at boosting recovery outcomes are preliminary but promising with a number of themes emerging. I highlight some of these themes and future directions toward identifying those patients who are likely to respond to specific tDCS and behavioral therapies. This would provide an empirical basis from which to investigate specific aphasia interventions in future multicenter clinical trials and could greatly improve the quality of aphasia treatment for stroke and PPA patients.

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