
The present research is dedicated to the application of intracerebral laser PBMT for the treatment of the consequences of ischemic stroke. The effectiveness of intracerebral laser PBMT is compared to that of the conservative therapy methods. Recent studies have demonstrated a high potential of laser technology PBMT in the treatment of various ischemic lesions of the brain. A total of 836 patients who had experienced ischemic strokes of different degrees of severity in the period ranging from 6 months to 6 years prior to the treatment were included in the research. The age of these patients ranged between 29 and 81 years (average age: 74.9 years). There were 593 men (70.93%) and 243 women (29.07%). The patients were divided into two groups - the Test Group and the Control Group. The Test Group comprised 511 (61.12%) patients with distal lesions of the intracerebral arteries. These patients underwent transcatheter intracerebral laser PBMT. The Control Group comprised 325 (38.88%) patients with similar distal lesions of the intracerebral arteries. These patients, however, received the conservative treatment. The Test Group patients exhibited good clinical results in 259 (87.21%) cases after small focal strokes, in 94 (60.26%) cases after medium focal strokes, and in 12 (20.69%) cases after macro-focal strokes. The Test Group patients exhibited satisfactory clinical results in 33 (11.11%) cases after small focal strokes, - in 39 (25.00%) cases after medium focal strokes, and- in 22 (37.93%) cases after macro-focal strokes. In the Control Group, 51 (21.07%) patients exhibited good clinical results after small focal strokes, while none of the patients exhibited good results after medium focal strokes and macro-focal strokes. In the Control Group, satisfactory clinical results were exhibited by 60 (24.79%) patients after small focal strokes and 8 (19.05%) patients after medium focal strokes, while none of the patients exhibited satisfactory results after macro-focal strokes. Transcatheter intracerebral laser PBMT is an effective, pathogenetically substantiated method for the treatment of the consequences of ischemic stroke. This method enables the restoration of daily-life activities and cognitive and mental functions, thereby enabling the patients to be fully active in their lives again.

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