
Abstract: Sale-purchase order in Islamic fiqih is called as-salam or as-salaf. Terminologically, the fiqh scholars issue it by: Offer of goods which the delivery is postponed, or sell goods that are distinct with early payment of capital, while the goods are the day of payment.Bay 'al-wafa' Etymologically, al-bay 'means buying and selling, and al-wafa' the meaning of repayment / settlement of obligations. Bay'al-wafa 'is a form of transaction (akad) which emerged in Central Asia (Bukhara and Balkh) in the middle of the 5th century Hijriyah and spread to the Middle East.The word ihtikar The origin of the word hakara which means az-zulm (persecution) and isa'ah al-mu'asyarah (social damage). With ihtakara scales, yahtakiru, ihtikar, this word means stockpiling to wait for soaring prices
 Keywords: Sale-purchase Orders, Bay 'al-Wafa' and Ihtikar


  • As a method of Tafsir –in the context of classical science, hermeneutics is used to solve, interpret and interpret the meanings contained in scriptures, jurisprudence, ancient documents and texts

  • Fazlur Rahman classified as a unique and prominent thinker of his time is very interesting to be studied. He grew up in Pakistan and expanded his science to France and to Chicago Canada who was later invited by his local government to return to help in Pakistan

  • His struggle in his birthplace did not last long which made Rahman have to move back to Chicago, Canada. It seems like this hijrah experience as a reference to make it easier to remind us of the popular hermeneutic theory which is pacing or reciprocity between inductive and deductive ie double movement theory around text, context and contextualization Keywords: method, Tafsir and hermeneutics

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As a method of Tafsir –in the context of classical science–, hermeneutics is used to solve, interpret and interpret the meanings contained in scriptures, jurisprudence, ancient documents and texts. Pendekatan interpretasi-sistematis dan sintesis-logis.6 Bentuk pemikiran tradisional-liberal Rahman dapat dipahami dari teori unggulannya yaitu double movement theory (teori gerakan ganda) yang di-launching pada tahun 1982 Masehi dengan basic ide dan gagasannya tentang perbedaan mendasar antara aspek legal spesifik alQur’an dan aspek ideal moral al-Qur’an.7 Perpaduan anatara pendidikan sistem tradisional-bermadzhab saat di negara asalanya (Pakistan) dengan sistem modern-filsafat waktu melanjutkan studinya di Barat (Perancis) membuat Rahman konsisten dengan tetap memosisikan al-Qur’an dan sunah sebagai sumber ajaran Islam pertama dan utama sedang akal dijadikan sebagai sarana untuk menyingkap makna teks dan pesan-pesan kedua mashdar al-hukm tersebut.

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