
Main objective of the article – assessment of problems and opportunities of speeding up of world economic growth in the context of the crisis phenomena and turbulence in economy. Complication and reformatting of the economic relations between the countries represents serious challenges for modern economic dynamics. Methodological approach of the authors is based on assessment of the defining influence of new factors on delay of economic activity and economic development. The thesis about the defining impact of international trade on economic growth is called into question. It was analyzed the value and a role of the international companies as growth catalysts in the conditions of new technological revolution. It is established that risks of development of the world economy continue to increase, and the main of them – in decline in labor productivity in the developed countries, uncertainty concerning interest rates and economic policy of the states, the universal growth of sovereign and corporate debt of the states. It is shown that China has the increasing problems with the growth; however the flexibility of its economic policy allows to connect additional mechanisms of speeding up of social and economic development. In the European Union economic growth depends on the solution of problems of consolidation of the budgetary process, decrease in a debt, and in general – on reforming of the existing model of social and economic development. Prospects of economic dynamics will depend in many respects on stability of trade relations between the countries, and on the effective international cooperation directed to overcoming imbalances of the modern world economy. Opportunities and problems of an exit of developing countries to a trajectory of sustained economic growth in the conditions of digitalization and digital transformations in the world economy are estimated. Aggravation of a problem of inequality in the conditions of digitalization of the world economy is possible to overcome, however a number of measures in the sphere of industrial, innovative and regulatory policy is necessary. Also at the international level serious reforms in the sphere of financial regulation and taxation are necessary. The conclusions received as a result of the research have important practical importance as overcoming the problems stated above and also trade political differences between the countries will make economic growth steady and inclusive.


  • Methodological approach of the authors is based on assessment of the defining influence of new factors on delay of economic activity and economic development

  • It is established that risks of development of the world economy continue to increase, and the main of them – in decline in labor productivity in the developed countries, uncertainty concerning interest rates and economic policy of the states, the universal growth of sovereign and corporate debt of the states

  • It is shown that China has the increasing problems with the growth; the flexibility of its economic policy allows to connect additional mechanisms of speeding up of social and economic development

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Перевод прибыли в офшорные юрисдикции упрощают цифровые технологии, затрудняющие определение места создания стоимости (Екимова, Лукьянов, Смирнов 2019). К тому же создание стоимости осуществляется преимущественно на основе трансграничных сетей сбыта и производств, поэтому глобальные компании, характеризующиеся «максимальным масштабом при минимальной массе» (Brynjolfsson et oth 2008: 2), несут большие риски для налогообложения. Преимущества «транснационализации создания стоимости» предоставляют компаниям возможность направлять прибыли в страны с невысоким или нулевым уровнем налогообложения. Минимизация материальных активов в структуре этих компаний ставит новые вызовы с точки зрения как конкуренции, так и налогообложения. Нематериальные активы, доля которых в структуре стоимости компаний имеет тенденцию к росту, наиболее ценны, однако они же труднее всего поддаются оценке или продаже. Для нематериальных активов используются банковские или альтернативные (специализированные) механизмы финансирования, что ослабляет привычную прям пропорциональную взаимосвязь между инвестициями и прибылью.

Доклад о мировом развитии – 2019
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