
Two experiments were conducted in the Rift Valley, Ethiopia (8°N and 39°E) to determine associations between eight plant traits and seed yield, and to obtain estimates of narrow sense heritability for the traits. Experiment I evaluated seven dry edible bean cultivars/lines at two locations to simulate different soil moisture stress, including, Debre Zeit(non-stress) and Dera (moderate-stress). Experiment II evaluated 25 cultivars/lines in three environments including, Melkassa early planted (non-stress), Melkassa late planted (high-stress), and Dera (moderate-stress). A randomized-complete-block design with three replicates was used in both experiments. Plant traits evaluated were seed yield, pods plant-1, seeds pod-1, 100 seed weight, root dry weight, hypocotyl diameter, plant biomass, plant height and days to flowering. Plant traits that were significantly associated with seed yield were included in a stepwise-regression model to determine which trait or combination of traits provided the best model to estimate seed yield in each environment. An analysis of variance was conducted to test main effects and interactions between plant traits and environments. Significant variation among lines occurred for seed yield and all plant traits in both experiments. Strong positive correlations were observed between plant biomass and seed yield in all environments. Seed yield and pods plant-1 were also highly associated in four of the five environments. Stepwise regression models indicated that the combination of pods plant-1 and plant biomass consistently contributed to seed yield prediction, while other traits did not. Because both plant biomass and pods plant-1 had moderate to high narrow sense heritability estimates and low GE interactions, they should be useful as indirect selection criteria to improve and stabilize seed yield in a breeding program.

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