
Pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.] is the staple diet for a vast majority of poor farmers in arid and semi-arid regions of India. An experiment was conducted at Millet Breeding Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore to determine the interrelationship between yield and yield component traits in 250 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of pearl millet during summer 2015. A perusal of the results of this study showed positive significant and strong genotypic and phenotypic correlations between grain yield per plant and plant height, number of productive tillers per plant, earhead length, earhead girth, single earhead weight, single earhead grain weight, 1000- grain weight and beta carotene content. Path coefficient analysis indicated that number of productive tillers per plant and single earhead grain weight had high direct effect on grain yield per plant. High indirect effect on grain yield per plant was caused by single earhead weight via single earhead grain weight and single earhead weight, single earhead grain weight and 1000- grain weight influences grain yield per plant through moderate positive indirect effect of number via productive tillers per plant. Based on the present results, it could be concluded that number of productive tillers per plant, earhead girth, single earhead weight and single earhead grain weight could be identified as the most important traits that are associated with grain yield in pearl millet. Hence these traits can be used as selection criteria for yield improvement in pearl millet.

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