
Multi-class classifier training using traditional meta-algorithms such as the popular One-vs-One (OvO) method may not always work well under cost-sensitive setups. Also, during inference, OvO becomes computationally challenging for higher class counts K as O(K^2) is its time complexity. In this paper, we present Opt-OvO, an optimized (resource-friendly) version of the One-vs-One algorithm to enable high-performance multi-class ML classifier training and inference directly on microcontroller units (MCUs). Opt-OvO enables billions of tiny IoT devices to self learn/train (offline) after their deployment, using live data from a wide range of IoT use-cases. We demonstrate Opt-OvO by performing live ML model training on 4 popular MCU boards using datasets of varying class counts, sizes, and feature dimensions. The most exciting finding was, on the 3 $ ESP32 chip, Opt-OvO trained a multi-class ML classifier using a dataset of class count 50 and performed unit inference in super real-time of 6.2 ms.

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