
During the pandemic and post-pandemic times, public awareness of health has increased. This condition, of course, must be accompanied by increased health knowledge, including knowledge about medicine. The Al-Hikmah Surobayan Mosque Foundation and LAZISMU Sedayu are starting a health center for residents, so this community service is aimed at training health cadres regarding drug problems. The community service, which took place at the Al-Hikmah Mosque Health Center on March 5, 2023, was attended by 22 health cadres aged 50.78 years. In this activity, the speakers were pharmacists from the pharmacist profession study program FKIK UMY and pharmacists from the UAD pharmacy faculty, assisted by students who were members of PIO activities.The training was carried out in stages, starting with a brief introduction to the types of drugs, then how to use drugs, store drugs, and recognize signs of drug side effects. This service collaborated with the Faculty of Pharmacy Ahmad Dahlan University collaborators. The results of the community service that has been carried out show increased knowledge of cadres and the community regarding drugs, as indicated by an increase in the average post-test score (from 69.1 to 81). This activity was continued by sending students who are members of the Drug Information Center (PIO) during the opening hours of the health center on Saturday and Sunday. The pharmacist must assist cadres on an ongoing basis to escort the health center to the Pratama clinic

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