
Society needs competent, ambitious, courageous, active and morally healthy young people who are able to make decisions independently and be responsible for them. Modern youth needs qualified help and support that can be provided by highly professional specialists who are able to actualize resources of young people. This leads to a need for a quality training of youth work professionals. The purpose of the article: to theoretically substantiate the historical aspect of the formation of training for youth work professionals. Research methods used: analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific sources on the researched problem, study of the historical aspect of youth work development. The authors reveal the historical aspect of training specialists (teachers-organizers, social pedagogues, social workers, youth workers) to work with the youth. The stages of formation and development of training of specialists for work with the youth are singled out. The first stage (1918–1944) − emergence of socially directed training of specialists for work with the youth, when communist ideology was actively formed, communist education was developed, and young people were involved in the party as the only officially permitted youth organization. The second stage (1945–1969) − the creation of the foundations of professional training for the work with the youth, the opening of a central Komsomol school, which provided retraining for Komsomol workers at the middle and upper levels of the Komsomol. The third stage (1969–1991) − the development of the institute of professional training for the work in youth (Komsomol and pioneer) organizations. The fourth stage (1991–2003) − formation and development of the system of professional training of specialists to work with the youth in the framework of social work and social pedagogy. The fifth stage (2003–2010) – the formation of the specialty «Social Work» in the field of «Social Security» and the creation of organizational and methodological conditions for the training of social workers; The sixth period (2011–2020) – the merger and formation of the specialty «Social Work» in the field of «Social Work», which combined social pedagogy and social work and social security in one field; the peculiarities of training of specialists at each stage are clarified; modern elements of higher education for training social workers to work with the youth, programmes of the state level of training of youth workers are presented.


  • responsible for them. Modern youth needs qualified help and support that can be provided by highly professional specialists

  • This leads to a need for a quality training

  • The authors reveal the historical aspect of training specialists

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Це диктує необхідність якісної професійної підготовки фахівців з роботи з молоддю, які сприяють розвитку, професійному самовизначенню молоді, уміють вести за собою, здатні працювати з різними категоріями молодих людей, ураховувати їх потреби та інтереси, розвивати прагнення до позитивної діяльності. Що розкриває динаміку підготовки кадрів для роботи з молоддю в XX – XXI столітті, та вивчення архівних матеріалів дали змогу виокремити й охарактеризувати етапи становлення і розвитку професійної підготовки фахівців в Україні.

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