
The article considers the training of specialists, who worked in the Soviet atomic industry, covering the period from 1945 to the 1960s — from the initiation of the Soviet Atomic Project until the establishment of atomic energy as one of the leading branches of the Soviet industry. The present study is based on published memoirs of students majoring in atomic physics and biographical narrative interviews of atomic scientists who studied at the Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute in the 1940s–1960s, conducted by one of the authors of the article. The training of atomic scientists consisted in the development of theoretical knowledge, as well as engineering and practical skills. The training was provided at various universities of the country, among which a prominent place was occupied by the Moscow State University, the Saint Petersburg State University, the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute and the Ural State Technical University along with the specialised faculties of other Soviet universities. The public mood (onset of the Cold War, romanticised image of an atomic scientist) and personal aptitudes of applicants (engineering and technical aptitudes) influenced the career choice. When selecting future atomic specialists, a number of «filters» were used, narrowing down the number of prospective candidates. Ideology, latent anti-Semitism and gender influenced student selection. The training of atomic scientists was conducted in secrecy, which was offset by various financial (high scholarship and, later, high salaries) and non-financial (being trained by outstanding scientists, professional fulfilment, patriotic feelings) incentives. The involvement of students during training in scientific and industrial activities resulted in an effective corps of atomic specialists. Following graduation, they worked in restricted-access cities (Arzamas-16, Chelyabinsk-70, etc.), as well as at research institutes exploring atomic issues.



  • Фрейм личных историй ученых во многом стереотипен, их опорные точки совпадают с биографическими историями других респондентов: детство и школа, сюжеты о взрослении, выбор профессии, рабочие будни, реже — семейная жизнь

  • «Десант» выпускников физфака МГУ 1955 года в Челябинск-70 // Наука и общество: История советского атомного проекта (40-е — 50-е годы): Труды междунар

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«КАК Я ФИЗИКОМ СТАЛ, ТАК ГРУСТИТЬ ПЕРЕСТАЛ»: СПЕЦИФИКА ПОДГОТОВКИ КАДРОВ ДЛЯ СОВЕТСКОЙ АТОМНОЙ ОТРАСЛИ В ВОСПОМИНАНИЯХ СОВРЕМЕННИКОВ. Специфика обучения студентов-атомщиков, и прежде всего то, как это воспринималось самими участниками процесса, до сих пор не была объектом специального исследования. Были МГУ, Московский механический институт (ММИ) и ЛГУ Поликанов (выпускник ММИ 1950 г.) вспоминал, что, будучи студентом авиационного техникума, прочитал объявление о приеме студентов в ММИ «на инженернофизический факультет, который будет выпускать инженеров-физиков, специалистов по конструированию физических приборов и установок».

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