
Summary. The aim: To find the most effective methods of training interns in surgery under conditions of martial law restrictions at the Department of General and Emergency Surgery of the National University of Health of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupika.
 Main part. Training for surgical interns was organized in a mixed format, that is, theoretical disciplines in an online format; and the acquisition of practical skills, the study of which requires access to the patient in an offline format. Distance education was conducted in the remote conference system on the Zoom Video Communications platform, and exchange resources using the cloud services of the Google platform were used. The mailing was carried out via Viber messengers, cellular communication. The educational material fully corresponded to the approved curriculum according to the internship program for intern doctors and the specialty “Surgery”. The content of the lecture material was presented as a PDF presentation. Seminar classes were conducted in the format of an online webinar, the results of test tasks and situational tasks were analyzed. Practical classes were limited to independent study of video materials of educational videos and operations. An interview, Viber messengers, chat, and e-mail were used for the final control of knowledge. In order to master the practical skills of operative interventions, interns in surgery were involved in the treatment process of the departments of the surgical clinical base of the department of the multidisciplinary city clinical hospital No. 6.
 Conclusions. The optimal ways of learning in the intramural cycle of internships in surgery in a mixed form in martial law conditions are a combination of teaching the theoretical part in an online format and acquiring practical skills in mastering surgical interventions through the integration of interns in an off-line format into practical activities in surgical departments of the clinical base of the Department of General and Emergency Surgery of of the National University of Health of Ukraine named after P.L. Shupika.

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