
The article studies national-psychological and ethnocultural peculiarities of Chinese students, presents characteristics of Russian-Chinese communication and related differences in cultures of two countries: special mentality and traditional notions about main cultural aspects; the influence of Chinese education system on linguistic-methodical features of teaching foreign languages to Chinese students is considered. The article focuses on the selection of methods for teaching Russian as a foreign language, considering the mentality of Chinese students. The article uses the analysis method and the synthesis method. In this article we also pay great attention to the pedagogical approaches, that are used to teach Russian as a foreign language. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the intercultural and personality-oriented approaches., For successful teaching in a Chinese classroom, the teacher should be extremely tactful in correcting students’ mistakes, and to motivate them to achieve better results. The cross-cultural approach helps to make an additional selection of country-specific training materials. This approach allows you to control the course of training and maximize the potential of Chinese students, taking into account their ethnic and cultural characteristics. The process of modelling pedagogical situations to determine the content of the RFL course, as well as the process of teaching Russian as a foreign language should be carried out considering specific ethnopsychological and socio-cultural peculiarities of the Chinese students’ mentality. Therefore, teachers of Russian as a foreign language for Chinese students should look for new approaches, technologies and methods to improve the efficiency of the learning process. The results of the research in this article can be used by teachers to teach Chinese students Russian as a foreign language.

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