
The complex of multi-vector transformations in Ukraine: strengthening defence capabilities, creating conditions for resisting hybrid (military) aggression on the part of the Russian Federation, the country's course of accession to the EU and NATO, which is consolidated in the Constitution, raised the issue of modernisation of education, training and education level of navy sailors for the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The purpose of the study is to analyse the military education system of Romania and Bulgaria, in particular the educational standards and curricula for highly qualified naval specialists, in order to implement world practices and experience in the educational activities of higher education institutions in Ukraine. The analysis of scientific literature, components of educational and professional programmes, systematisation and generalisation of information, monitoring of the current system of training of military specialists in the armed forces of Romania and Bulgaria is provided. The analysis of the experience of the content and educational and organisational component of training a naval specialist with higher education is given on the example of specialised higher educational institutions of the Naval Academy “Mircha cel Betryn” and the H.Y. Vаptsаrоv Naval Academy. Using the results of comparing the components of the educational (professional) training programme of a navy sailor, specialist, graduate of higher military educational institutions of Romania and Bulgaria, the study proposed ways to improve the system of higher military education, as well as the introduction of new elements (disciplines) of curricula adapted to NATO standards. The study provides recommendations for further reform of the system of higher military education, including naval education at the Institute of the Naval Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, based on studying the experience of transforming military education systems in leading countries in accordance with modern models of training military specialists adopted in NATO member states

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