
The article reveals peculiarities of non-formal education of primary school teachers. The essence of the training is revealed as one of the forms of non-formal education of primary school teachers in the conditions of formation of the New Ukrainian School. The practical use of active training methods in the training is described. The practical experience of using the training as one of the forms of non- formal education of primary school teachers in the conditions of the formation of the New Ukrainian School by the example of Kvitneva's OTG of Zhytomyr region of Popilnyansky district is shown.In the article it is states that non-formal education is a voluntary, self- determined prospect for primary school teachers in the context of the formation of the New Ukrainian School based on experience, improves competences, deepens professionalism and is carried out in accordance with their interests and needs.The article examines already tested training in the conditions of the formation of the New Ukrainian School, which was held in Kvitneva’s OTG of Zhytomyr region of Popilnyansky district. The purpose of the training was to familiarize the pedagogues of Kvitneva's OTG with the ways of creating the optimal and psychological environment in the class, developed on the basis of modern theoretical approaches and pedagogical practice.The main objectives of training were aimed at getting acquainted with the notion of a “new educational environment”, plans for the effective organization of the educational environment, the organization of educational materials, the importance of using the walls of the classroom as a means of communication and creating a list of educational materials for educational centers.The article shows that the practice of conducting training sessions promotes active creative work of primary school teachers, namely: formation of the ability to use skills in the new context, comprehensive cultural development, intellectual needs, the growth of educational potential and an important impetus for professional development of teachers.

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