
The article examines the role of training in environmental protection management, industrial and fire safety, labor protection, including training in first aid skills. Currently, more and more attention is paid not only to environmental protection, but also to related HSE management issues. The relationship between environmental and occupational safety issues, including fire and industrial safety issues, is determined by the impact of the results of accidents and incidents on the environment. The whole complex of preventive measures aimed at minimizing the impact on the environment is simultaneously aimed at ensuring the safety of the employees, preserving their life and health. In the event that all measures for managing production processes could not ensure the safety of the employees, it is necessary to provide first aid, before medical aid is available. Training in first aid, occupational safety, and minimization of impact on the environment skills is important not only at the university as part of a training program or summer schools, but also in organizations to ensure the safety of the work carried out. In addition, teaching these issues is important from an early age - starting from kindergarten, school and earlier.

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