
127 The purpose of this study was to determine if 32 weeks of cardiovascular and strenght training coud improve the aerobic and ventilatory capacities and muscle strength of 6 male patients (age range 15 to 34 yrs) with neuromuscular disease (limb-girdle dystrofy, n=1; type III progressive spinal muscle atrophy, n=3; Steinert myotonic systrophy, n=1; and facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy, n=1) Cardiovascular training consisted of cycle ergometry at 70% VO2peak for 20 min., 3 times/week. Weight training involving the arms and shoulder muscles were performed at 70% maximal streight, 3 times/week with 3 sets of 8 repetition per exercise. Significante increases were seen in cardiovascular and respiratory capacities following training (see table above). Significant impovements were also seen for maximal voluntary ventilation(116.9±8.1 vs 125.7±8.8 L.min-1), maximal inspiratory pressure (33.3±8.0 vs 73.8±11.1 cm H2O) and maximal expiratory pressure (36.7±7.9 vs 70.8±11.5 cm H2O). Increases immuscle strenght were seen in the biceps (13%) and triceps (80%) brachii, trapezious (21%) and latissimus dorsi-pectoralis major (32%) muscles. This training regimen did not accelerate the progress of the disease. Indeed, the training saw improvements in cardiovascular, ventilatory and muscular capacities.Table

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