
The analysis of federal state educational standards for all steps of existing educational system shows that meta-subject approach in learning and bringing up activity is becoming more urgent. Orientation to the key strategic priority of continuous education such as bringing up activity and forming the ability to study are also urgent. The main types of universal studying activities are analyzed: personal, subject, meta-subject results; usage of learning activity matrix during the process of study. Federal State Educational Standard of basic common education sets the demands to personal, meta-subject and subject results of learning after basic educational program of secondary education. So, according to the succession principle we should develop the competence of the students following these three directions transforming them into educational environment of the university. Thus, meta-subject competence should include ability to use intersubject definitions and universal learning activities performing them at learning, knowledge and social practice. The achievement of meta-subject results is connected with the nature of universal activity. The basis of nature-coordinated education should lie in basic values - and the most important is morality which is formed from the human nature. That is why the standards of the second generation formulate four blocks of universal learning activities: personal, regulative, common knowledge and communicative. According to their nature meta-subject activities are functional-oriented ones and they form the psychological basis and determining condition of subject task solution success. Meta-subject competence development supposes various forms of studying process organization. One of such organization forms can be the business game which can be used as the means of diagnosis and forecast of personal behavior in various situations. Project technology is also aimed to develop wide range of competence and creative abilities and that is why it suggests the integrity of research, searching, problem solving and comparison methods. It has been shown that nowadays the role of each course in meta-subject competence development has been growing rapidly.

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