
In this paper, we examine the assumption that as a municipality obtains train access, its financial performance improves. Using the case study of the Greater Tel Aviv Metropolitan Area (GTAMA) we conclude that this link is neither obvious nor uniform. The main outcome of the study is that, upon gaining train access, centrally-located municipalities, such as Tel Aviv, significantly increase their revenue base. Concurrently, municipalities located in the peripheral areas of the metropolis improve their performance only marginally and even decline in their attractiveness to migrants, as a result of train access. As suggested, this difference may be explained by the socio-economic structure of each municipality group, which affects their ability to take advantage of the rail. These findings send a message to planners and decision-makers that establishment of train access does not necessarily improve the financial performance of local authorities, and can even limit their demographic growth. Other factors, such as urban functionality and location, should thus be taken into account in assessing the potential benefits and drawbacks associated with rail expansion.

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