
Can we elaborate a traffic-sensitive eco-driving or GLOSA (Green Light Optimal Speed Advice) strategy with a frugal amount of data when approaching an intersection? Here is the purpose of this work, which aims to adapt a traffic-theory-based estimation of the expected queue-length within mixed traffic (Connected and non-Connected Vehicles) in the vicinity of a signalized intersection. While the expected queue-length methodology was developed recently and fits natively with Eulerian traffic indicators resulting from loop sensors or cameras, this paper adapts such a methodology to Lagrangian indicators as the traces produced by any Connected Vehicle, including Floating Car or Probe Data. The main interest of the methodology lies in the frugal amount of data and expenses required to perform the traffic-sensitive speed-advisory at any connected road intersection. The full methodology is developed to extend the SPAT messages broadcast to end-users and take advantage of the Cooperative Awareness Messages (CAM) acting as GPS traces for Connected Vehicles. Contrary to Eulerian-based indicators, no supplementary and costly investment is required to collect the input data and compute the queue-length estimation. However, applying strategies based on Lagrangian indicators will affect the direct traffic observation through these indicators. Therefore, it requires to develop an assessment and predictive framework to estimate the traffic conditions. The performance of the introduced methodology is compared to alternative methods, among other Eulerian-based methods. It results from the analysis that the introduced approach performs almost as well as the ones based on exhaustive, but costly data collections.

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