
The article describes the problem of excessive traffic concentration at signalized pedestrian crossings. The main drawback of such crossings is the inappropriate duration of green signals for vehicles. Too long green times for vehicular traffic significantly increase time lost by pedestrians, while too short ones cause short-term congestion, resulting in long queues of vehicles and a deteriorated level of service. The negative effects of both of these situations also include dangerous behavior of road users, such as red light running or crossing. Recent (June 2021) changes in the road traffic law in Poland have privileged unprotected road users at pedestrian crossings. New models and technical and design standards proposed in this country (March 2021) recommend the installation of pedestrian priority crossings at particularly dangerous spots and in urban areas with a high proportion of pedestrian traffic. All this is done mainly for traffic-calming purposes. However, previously these measures were not a common practice in Poland. Therefore, the objective of this article was to develop a simple method of green signal timing, ensuring, firstly, priority to pedestrian traffic at such places, and, secondly, sustained capacity of vehicular traffic lanes. The developed models are practical, universal and easy to adapt in other countries. They ensure a very good or good quality of vehicle traffic service, with average lost time not exceeding 25 s in a vast majority of analyzed traffic level cases. The article also describes a traffic control algorithm dependent on traffic detection.

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