
We submitted again to our analysis the most famous texts of the Pastorals, attributed to traditions to show what is new in their representation. In 1Tm 1:15 the fundamental affirmation ʻHe came... to save sinnersʼ; in 1Tm 2:5-6: the idea of Jesus the only mesites, without the Jewish idea of covenant; in 1Tm 6:13 with 1Tm 2:6 the presentation of the death of Jesus as martyrion or martyria; in 2Tm 2:11-13 the possibility that the syn- of verbs implies a reference not only to Jesus, but also to believers together; in 2Tm 1:9-10 the introduction of the word epiphaneia for the divine manifestation of Christ Jesus; in Titus 2:11-14 the revolutionary idea that salvation is the effect of the educational work of the grace of God and finally Titus 3:3-7 the direct subordination of the justifying grace to baptism. All that was fundamental for the development of the theology of early Christianity.

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