
Additions are the communal category among tampered documents which are frequently encountered in the division of questioned document. Additions are accomplished with an intention to gain self-benefit. In this research article the samples were prepared by add-ons of letters, words and figures on various forms of questioned documents such as cheques, bank deposit slips, memo, receipt, certificates etc. by using ball, gel and ink pen of different colors. The mere objective of the research is to trace out the best suitable non – destructive analytical technique for the detection and decipherment of the additions performed on different type of papers using different type of pens and of different colors. Samples were examined from basic instruments such as handlens, illumination sources (UV, Oblique light),stereomicroscope to advanced instruments like docubox HD, Projectina NIRVIS docucenter, docubox dragon. On examining the samples under different traditional and innovative prevailing techniques it was observed that the decipherment was easy and precise under Projectina NIRVIS docucenter, docubox HD and docubox dragon without detrimental effect on the samples in less duration of time. Infrared ranging from 715–735 and Lumi ranging from 665–830 proved to be paramount wavelength for decipherment irrespective of paper surface.

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