
Kattai no kasa urami.—urayami—(the leper's envy of a syphilitic.)— Japanese Proverb . There is a Japanese treatise on syphilis and leprosy published by Katakara Genshiu, Tokio, 1781, on which I wish to make a few observations. The preface of this book also alludes to the oft-quoted anecdote which seems to imply leprosy existed at the time of Confucius. It is said one of the great man's disciples being ill,'his master went to see him, but staid outside and contented himself with shaking hands through the window casement, expressing his regret his friend should have that hateful disease. It is generally supposed he meant leprosy. The preface of our book approves the cautious conduct of the master. For, it is said, in later times special hospitals and houses were erected for lepers, so their disease might not be mixed with other maladies. (The work on syphilis has a

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