
Traditional Institutions in Africa was once held in high esteem by African societies. The Institution based on the pedigree of the traditional leaders was known for the preservation of culture(ral) values maintenance of law and order and effective conflict resolution in their respective domain(s). They are trusted to give sound judgment and justice that is not legally or judicially bias. The advent the introduction of the 1976 Local Government Reform crippled the well-defined and hallowed system of Tradition in Nigeria which was using alternative dispute resolution to ensure that peace reigned in their domains.This is based on the perception that Alternative Dispute Resolution through mediation is a viable instrument for dispute settlement by the Traditional Rulers in Etinan. Therefore, this study seeks to investigate Alternative Dispute Resolution Techniques used by Traditional Rulers in Etinan Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. The population of the study are men and women from the Local Government Area while the sample size(50 ) was purposively selected for the study. A self-structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Interviews were conducted with key informants.Journals, archival materials, and internet articles were used to affirm certain facts that traditional rulers uses Alternative and negotiation techniques for dispute resolution through mediation process. The study reveals that traditional rulers employs the use of Reconciliation, Mediation,and Litigation to resolve all forms of conflict. However , Litigation is used when conflicting parties are not satisfied with the outcome of the mediation process. It was also revealed that the use of Personal Data of Spouses and Close Kinship is another form used to resolve conflict in Etinan. The paper recommends that asides traditional rulers, mediators and the society at large should adapt the use of Alternative Dispute Resolution dispute settlement at all levels and devoid of court proceedings

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