
Diabetes, a metabolic disorder, poses a significant global health challenge and is recognized as a major non-communicable disease. This widespread issue not only impacts the well-being of individuals but also poses economic burdens, particularly on developing nations. Consequently, there is a pressing need for appropriate solutions and effective medicines, making it a focal point of research globally. Despite remarkable progress in modern allopathic medicine, there exists no definitive cure for diabetes within this system. Additionally, allopathic drugs, while beneficial, often come with severe side effects that can lead to various physiological disorders. In the light of these challenges, ethnobotanical exploration emerges as a viable alternative, providing an avenue to identify potential folk medicines for treating metabolic disorders.The current study aimed to investigate the diversity of medicinal plants traditionally used by the Ao (Naga) tribe in Mokokchung for diabetes treatment and to document these folk remedies. Mokokchung district, Nagaland, is home to the Ao (Naga) tribe, a community reliant on ethnomedicinal herbs for their daily needs and healthcare. The study, conducted between September 2021 and March 2022, involved structured interviews with traditional healers to collect information on their use of medicinal plants in managing various ailments. The study findings underscored the richness of medicinal plants and folk formulations employed in diabetes treatment within the Mokokchung district of Nagaland. A total of 32 medicinal plant species from 26 families were documented. Despite the advancements in modern medicine, traditional ethnomedicinal practices are gradually losing favor, particularly among younger generations, leading to the erosion of this invaluable knowledge. Hence, there is an urgent need for further scientific investigation to validate the claims and efficacy of folk medicines used for diabetes treatment. Inthis background, there is a critical requirement for inventory, documentation and scientific validation of these practices and folk medicines. Immediate attention to these efforts is crucial to preserve this invaluable knowledge and facilitate its integration with modern medical practices, ensuring the preservation and effective utilization of this traditional wisdom.

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