
Watermelon, it is known as the symbol of Diyarbakır province and is identified as a specific vegetable. It is not only the symbol of the city, but also has an important position in cultural and the economic life of the region. In the study, it is aimed to introduce the genotypes of Diyarbakır watermelon and the growing of pit method that is specific to Diyarbakır watermelon. There are 5 different types of watermelon known as Diyarbakır watermelon which are described and explained from past to present. These types are; Beyaz Kıs, Kara Kıs, Pembe, Ferik Pasa and Surme genotypes. Today, Surme is the only type that is cultivated among these types. The watermelon known as Diyarbakır watermelon is Surme type and its growing is still being done. The most important characteristics of this type are its delicious and large size. Watermelons of 60-75 kg in the past seem to have lost their originality today. It is no longer possible to find other types of watermelon expect Surme type. It has been observed that the cultivation of this type, which the festivals are organised as the name of Watermelon, has been decreasing day by day. And largeness and the delicious are the most important characteristics of Diyarbakır watermelon due to the special growing method. This method of growing is called "pit growing method". However, this method can not be used today. With this study, it is aimed to introduce the Diyarbakır watermelon types with their basic characteristics and to draw attention to the re-growing of these types that have been disappearing. Thus, it is thought that the growing method of Diyarbakır watermelon will help to carry the watermelon cultivation again and apply it. It is also expected to provide solutions to the problems of growers and other watermelon cultivation. Keywords: Diyarbakır, Pit Watermelon Growing, Surme DOI: 10.7176/JSTR/5-12-11

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