
A serious discourse is built around the world for proper and better protection of traditional knowledge associated with intellectual property rights. Traditional knowledge was considered as a leftover subject in intellectual property governance since the IP has been a talk of the town. Nepal is rich in terms of traditional knowledge associated with indigenous communities largely used in the medical sectors or what we generally name with “ home-grown medicines”. There is a lack of proper protection and also incentives for these communities and researches have shown that there are also possibilities of conflict over ownership over such knowledge. The traditional knowledge will not only benefit particular stakeholders rather in an extended way, it creates values for the nation and ultimately a global asset in the intellectual property regime across the world. The IP Policy, Law, and Regulations need further incorporation of elements as the subject of traditional knowledge specifically used for medicinal purposes. This paper is based on a theoretical analysis of law, policies, rules, cases, and practices for the protection of traditional knowledge for medicinal in Nepal. This paper has further analyzed the position of existing umbrella clauses as seen in intellectual property laws for the said purpose.

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