
The work deals with organizational and methodical issues of using traditional and nontraditional methods in business education. The presented is classification of non-traditional teaching methods, is emphasized the relativity of the concepts "traditional method" and "non-traditional method". Is noteds, that the main factors affecting the choice of non-traditional methods and approaches today are the introduction of a competence approach in business education and the transition to a mixed (full-time – distance) form of education, caused by the disruption of the established organization of the educational process due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the spread armed conflicts (wars). 
 It is emphasized that the formation of non-traditional methods and forms of the educational process is due to the desire to overcome certain limitations of traditional methods, to increase the interest of those seeking education in individual subjects and the learning process as a whole. The most effective non-traditional methods in business education include methods based on the use of computer and information – communication technologies, distance learning, a competence approach and differentiation of education. 
 Is particularly effective in the process of applied mathematics training of applicants of higher economic education of the first (bachelor) level, it the technological approach combined with the professionalization of educational tasks. The implementation of the approach involves the study of the technology for solving typical (professional or quasiprofessional) task, including a meaningful statement of the problem; construction of a logical and (or) mathematical model; mastering the method of implementing the model using publicly available software tools; interpretation of the obtained results. This is an example of a quasiprofessional task. 
 Traditional and non-traditional methods in business education should not be seen as antagonistic methods. Modern educational methods should be built on the basis of a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods and approaches in proportions that depend on the specific discipline and type of educational work. Each teacher should choose exactly those methods that most correspond to his discipline and teaching style, the way of communicating with the audience, the composition of the specific audience, the available resources, etc. The work presents an example of a combination of traditional and non-traditional methods when studying the discipline "Optimization methods and models".

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