
Although pancreas and islet cell transplantation are the only ways to prevent the late complications of insulin-dependent diabetes, a shortage of donors is a major obstacle to tissue and organ transplantation. Stem cell therapy is an effective treatment for diabetes and other pancreatic-related diseases, which can be achieved by inducing their differentiation into insulin-secreting cells. The liver is considered an ideal source of pancreatic cells due to its similar developmental origin and strong regenerative ability as the pancreas. This article reviews the traditional and emerging strategies using hepatocytes for pancreatic regenerative medicine and evaluates their advantages and challenges. Gene reprogramming and chemical reprogramming technologies are traditional strategies with potential to improve the efficiency and specificity of cell reprogramming and promote the transformation of hepatocytes into islet cells. At the same time, organoid technology, as an emerging strategy, has received extensive attention. Biomaterials provide a three-dimensional culture microenvironment for cells, which helps improve cell survival and differentiation efficiency. In addition, clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 gene editing technology has brought new opportunities and challenges to the development of organoid technology.

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