
clearly indicates an overall decline in agrarian activity of its population during course of this century. Nonetheless, many indigenous Ukljan? continue to pursue subsis­ tence strategies which demonstrate continuity with local practices of past even though their households have in recent decades either reduced or relinquished various agrarian activities. Tradition persists in face of modernization. In order to resolve this apparent contradiction, following investigation of cultural continuity in Ukve assumes that conservatism which is commonly associated with so-called traditional societies is in fact dynamic. It is argued that a realistic understanding of cultural continuity in situations of apparent modernization can be obstructed when analysis is rigidly confined to quantitative analysis of indicators which are selected according to a pre-determined model of deagrarization. The material presented here thus raises question as to whether or not deagrarization is most appropriate term for designating kind of change which during recent decades has occurred in Ukve. This portrait of Ukve is organized with reference to concept of culture as it has been developed in sub-discipline of anthropology known as cultural ecology. 3 Culture core refers to the constellation of features which are most closely related to subsistence activities and economic arrangemnents in a given society (Steward 1955: 37); it points to adaptive processes whereby individuals and groups shape their environment and environment shapes them (Geertz 1963: 8). This systemic interplay between man and environment is effectively conceptualized with term which can be seen to designate reproduction and eventual transformation over time of a specific regimen of productive activity (i.e., cultural core). As a dynamic concept, adaptation draws attention to perspective of actors involved in system, that is, to their understand­ ing of environment of which they are a part and their strategic response to changes in that environment. 4 By focussing on adaptive processes in terms of strategic action it is my objective here to describe social and cultural continuities manifest in Ukve's historical regimen of subsistence. First. however, it is necessary to outline that greater environment5 which has historically been a part of local adaptation. Ukve and Ukljani in Evolution of a Region Ukve is situated in Val Canale in Northeastern Italy. a valley which has represented since at least time of Roman Empire a significant thoroughfare connecting northern Adriatic plain with upper Drava and Sava river basins (Steinicke 1984: 26). Further­ more, surrounding region. at juncture of Carnian Alps, Julian Alps and Karavanke range. is a historical zone of contact between Europe's three major language families.

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