
        The health of newborns is greatly supported by Mother's Milk (ASI). The phenomenon shows that the village community is related to customs and culture because it can influence behavior. The culture that’s focused on in this research is the Puputan in Kandangserang, South Pekalongan. One of the activities in this tradition is the rules for eating patterns known as mutih fasting. Its greatly affects the breast milk given to babies because of the adequate nutritional needs during the puerperium. This study aims to describe the implementation of puputan and its meaning in terms of public trust and Maternal and Child Health. This is qualitative research with a case study approach. This research was conducted with 14 informants. Data analyzed were using technical content analysis with thematic network approach. The results showed that people still believe and apply puputan in the form of baby safety, regulation of eating patterns or mutih fasting, and consumption of herbs during the puerperium. The community believes that puputan has a positive impact on the mother but is negative for the baby. Based on this, it can be said that the community still applies the puputan tradition because of their strong belief in the benefits obtained.
 Keywords: Puputan Tradition, Community Trust, Maternal and Child Health (KIA)

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