
The community in Sekardadi Village, sub-district Kintamani, district Bangli are the community of Bali Mula which has a variety of activities in a Hindu background which is manifested through religious ceremonies. Religious activitiy that contain traditional values ??expressed through a tradition are makawas. Makawas tradition is one of a series that has important elements in religious ceremonies that are routinely carried out by the Sekardadi village community. The research aims at finding out: (a) how the implementation and mechanism of the makawas tradition in the socio cultural life community of Bali Mula and (b) how the function of the Makawas tradition in the socio cultural life community of Bali Mula in Sekardadi Village. The results showed that makawas tradition was routinely carried out by the Sekardadi village community based on the belief of a mitohistorical in the form of gratitude and blessing. The implementation of makawas tradition starts from preparing all the ceremonial and kawas needs. Then after all the means ceremonial have been prepared, Jero Kubayan began to provide kawas and banten to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. Further Pepare distributed the kawas to Pradulu Ulu Apad and krama pengarep. The meaning of religion from makawas tradition is manifestation of the relationship between Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa stated in one of the Tri Hita Karana elements in the form of Prahyangan which means the relationship between humans and God and as a mean for people’s life that is to form a solidarity relationship.


  • Abstrak Masyarakat di Desa Sekardadi, Kecamatan Kintamani, Kabupaten Bangli merupakan masyarakat Bali Mula yang memiliki beragam aktivitas dalam latarbelakang agama Hindu yang dimanifetasikan melalui upacara keagamaan

  • The community in Sekardadi Village, sub-district Kintamani, district Bangli are the community of Bali Mula which has a variety of activities in a Hindu background which is manifested through religious ceremonies

  • The results showed that makawas tradition was routinely carried out by the Sekardadi village community based on the belief of a mitohistorical in the form of gratitude and blessing

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Info Article Received Accepted Published

: 26th November 2019 : 13th November 2020 : 30th November 2020 manusia dengan Tuhan dan makna bagi kehidupan masyarakat yaitu membentuk hubungan solidaritas. Kebudayaan merupakan salah satu wujud identitas bagi sebuah negara. Kebudayaan merupakan cetak biru bagi kehidupan atau pedoman bagi kehidupan masyarakat, yaitu merupakan perangkatperangkat acuan yang berlaku umum dan menyeluruh dalam menghadapi lingkungan untuk pemenuhan kebutuhankebutuhan para warga masyarakat pendukung kebudayaan tersebut. Keanekaragaman budaya menyebabkan dinamika dari masyarakat semakin berkembang dan kompleks. Khususnya pada etnik Bali yang memiliki keragaman dan ciri khas dari segi adat istiadat, tradisi, dan budaya yang bernafaskan agama Hindu. Ciri khas lainnya pada etnik Bali di mana, sebagian masyarakat masih menganut sistem kebudayaan Bali Aga dan Bali.

Sekardadi juga merupakan desa Bali
Prosesi dan Mekanisme Tradisi Makawas Di Desa Sekardadi
Kawas yang akan dibagikan oleh Pepare
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Unud
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