
Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine the constraints of trademark registration in North Aceh Regency and how the influence of the brand on consumer interest. Theoretical reference framework: Trademark is an identifier for a product, goods, or services that has specific value or characteristics protected by law and may not be imitated by others. Legal protection for a product's trademark is granted after the trademark registration process, as emphasized in Article 3 of Law Number 20 of 2016 concerning Trademarks and Geographical Indications, stating that the rights to a trademark are obtained after it is registered. Method: This research is an empirical legal study using primary and secondary data sources. Primary data is obtained through interview techniques, while secondary data is gathered through literature review. The data is then analyzed to draw conclusions. Result and Conclusion: The research findings indicate that the registration of trademarks for small and medium-sized industries in North Aceh Regency is still low. Consequently, small and medium-sized industries in North Aceh Regency lack legal protection and are vulnerable to product counterfeiting, leading to a lack of promotional opportunities. Research implication: This research has an impact on trademark registration services and the understanding of small and medium-sized industry players in trademark registration in North Aceh Regency. Originalitas/value: This research is a new endeavor in analyzing trademark registration models that can be utilized to strengthen small and medium-sized industries in North Aceh Regency. There has been no prior research related to trademark registration in North Aceh Regency.

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