
The right to work is not part of the fundamental rights in the constitutions of many countries and even the right to association which covers the right to unionise is surprisingly treated with disdain in some ‘more civilised nations’. In light of global economic downturn there are massive cuts in public sector jobs and lay-offs in the private sector as well in many countries. There have been wage cuts in some countries as well. Pension rights have been abrogated or hugely revised to the disadvantage of workers. The outlook for developing countries is not particularly good, due to their dependence on commodity trade, investment and aid flows. However, social equity, human rights and freedoms are recognised as imperative for sustainable development, along with environmental conservation, of course. Trade union law, therefore, remains a topical aspect of the social agenda and should be revisited in the national and global legal discourse with a view to instrumentally calibrating a balance between the desire to restructure ‘over-consumption’ and intra-generational sustainable development. This paper offers a review of Nigerian trade union law and practice with a view to providing a platform for examining the relevant issues of human rights and public law, business and economic management and governance, as well as learning points for emerging economies and federations and from the global economic downturn.

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