
Part 1: Africa-EU Trade Relations in the 21st Century: An Introduction, 1.Contextualising the Debate of the Africa-EU Trade Relations, Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu and Francis Shasha Matambalya, 2. Focus of the Debate of the Africa-EU Trade Relations Beyond the Cotonou Agreement, Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu and Francis Shasha Matambalya, Part 2: Development Dimensions and Poverty Alleviation in EPAs, 3. Development Agenda in the WTO Regional Processes: The European Union/ African, Caribbean and Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement in context, Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu, 4. The Development Dimension or Disillusion? EU's Development Policy Goals and the Economic Partnership Agreements, Marikki Stocchetti, 5. EPAs and Poverty Alleviation: Any Link? The Case of the ESA Configuration, Shalini Ramessur-Seenarain, Part 3: Rules of Origin in the EPAS and WTO Regimes, 6. Rules of Origin, the European Union and the Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations, Peter Gibbons, 7. Effects of Rules of Origin on the European Union-Africa EPAs: Cumulation of Issues, Roberto Rios, Part 4: Market Access Challenges in the EPA and WTO Trade Regimes, 8. International Development Law and Preferential Trade Agreements Involving Developing Countries, Asif H Qureshi and Chotika Wittayawarakul, 9. Agricultural Safeguard Measures in the Context of the Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), Luisa Bernal and Heather Hampton, 10. EPAs, Cotonou and the WTO - Legal Dimensions, Amin Alavi, Part 5: Issues for EPA and WTO Negotiations for African Commodity Exports: Selected Country Case Studies, 11. Identifying Products of Defensive and Offensive Interests in Both EPA Trade Regime and WTO Negotiations for Commodity-Dependent ACP Economies: Lessons from an Empirical Review of Tanzania's Agricultural Sector, Francis Shasha Matambalya, 12. Geographical Indications, Coffee and Economic Development: The Ethiopia - Starbucks Case, Jeremy Streatfield and James Watson, Part 6: Policy Implications and Conclusions, 13. Policy Implications, Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu and Francis Shasha Matambalya, 14. Conclusions, Yenkong Ngangjoh-Hodu and Francis Shasha Matambalya

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