
It is well accepted in literature that the strategy of using crossing-elimination (or uninterrupted-flow) intersections has the advantage over signals in expanding network capacity during evacuation. This result holds well in a static evacuation network in which flow patterns are not explicitly modeled (e.g., queuing on network links and time-varying evacuation demand). This paper examines the problem of selecting and distributing signal control and uninterrupted flow strategies in evacuation traffic management. More specifically, the following critical issues are investigated: (1) Does an optimal distribution between signal and uninterrupted flow strategies exist in a dynamic evacuation network and what is it? and (2) How to best plan turning restriction and signal timings at those intersections with different control strategies? Results show that the best distribution of uninterrupted flow and signalized intersections exists to yield the minimum evacuation clearance time. Intersections located within the demand generating area (i.e., the impacted area) are more likely to be selected by the model as uninterrupted flow ones to facilitate fast access of evacuees to the evacuation routes; while signals tend to locate outside the impact area to reduce detours of evacuation traffic to destination. The proposed model outperforms other scenarios in terms of reducing evacuation clearance time, which demonstrates its effectiveness.

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