
In a Swedish population of the polygynous great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, about 40% of the males formed pairs with more than one female. Males sang two completely separated types of song: (1) long song when they tried to attract mates and (2) short shong when they guarded a fertile female. As soon as a male had attracted a female he immediately switched from long to short song and apparently guarded her for at least 3 days. Most males left their female and started singing long several days before her fertile period ended. This behavior probably increased the risk of cuckoldry. By assuming that males of polygynous species maximize their fitness over the whole breeding season (i.e., maximize fitness rate), we predicted longer mate guarding periods when the probability of attracting a second female was low and the risk of cuckoldry was high. These predictions were supported by observations. The probability of attracting a second female decreased during the breeding season and, in accordance, the number of days that males sang long song during the primary female's fertile period was negatively correlated with the time of the season. This trend held also for individual males when comparing mating periods of their primary and secondary female. The increasing rate of male intrusions with season may also have contributed to the increasing mate guarding periods.

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