
The increasing worldwide demand for resources, the shortage of raw materials and new EU directives form the basis for Urban Mining, the core concept of which comprises obtaining recyclable materials from solid urban waste and residual production materials. Up to now, secondary raw materials have only been insufficiently exploited as defined within the context of recycling management. Established material life cycles concentrate primarily on materials such as scrap glass or scrap paper that are available as mono-fractions. Mixed waste streams often containing highly valuable materials remain by and large excluded from any such considerations.In order to enhance the use of secondary raw materials, robust logistics systems which meet the high quality and supply demands of their customers as well as an increased integration of waste disposal companies into the supply chain structures of manufacturing companies are essential. The TraCy project supports this approach by developing economically feasible models for closing materials cycles which are not found at all today, or at least not in sufficient quantities. The aim of this is the paradigm shift – “From supply chain management to supply cycle management”.KeywordsUrban Miningsupply cyclesecondary raw materialscontainer systemwaste disposalwaste disposal logisticsmaterial life cycle

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