
Abstract The number of horizontal wells is increasing dramatically in Ghawar Field, the largest onshore oil field in the world. Refer to Figure-1. The complexity of completions is also increasing. Horizontal wells and complex completions such as extended reach and multilaterals introduce challenges for conventional intervention techniques such as coiled tubing (CT) to convey diagnostic and surveillance tools to the bottom of these wells. One answer to this challenge is the intelligent deployment system known as wireline tractoring. The wireline tractor provides a breakthrough in logging capability by being able to log successfully where conventional wireline and CT logging tools cannot go. This paper will highlight challenges and Saudi Aramco's experience in production logging extended reach (1.5 - 3 km) open hole horizontal wells using two different types of tractoring devices. The characteristics of the two tractors will be described and compared, and the benefits of applying this technology will be explained in detail. The paper will discuss the successful application of this technology and its comparative advantages, including reduced cost and enhanced operational safety. Discussion of the collaborative work among various Saudi Aramco organizations and service companies in deploying this technology will also be presented. This success story of using the wireline tractor to deploy production logging tools in Ghawar Field will illustrate Saudi Aramco determination to overcome challenges by applying the best available technology.

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