
One of the main difficulties in video tracking of people arises in scenarios where targets are repeatedly and extensively occluded by other moving objects. These types of occlusions significantly affect the measurements of the person’s position, motion, shape and appearance, posing major challenges to correct tracking and data association. In this paper, we present a method for tracking people in videos based on a simplified part-based model only loosely associated with body parts. Data association is provided by a layered data association approach which performs association at feature, part and global levels in a hierarchical fashion. Occlusions are detected and managed at the part level, with corresponding model update strategies. In addition, the tracker does not make any assumption on the target’s motion direction, thus allowing tracking to withstand abrupt sideways movements and changes of directions that frequently occur in busy scenes. Experimental results against popular trackers such as mean shift, particle filters and the recent k-shortest paths (KSP) tracker based on a variety of performance indicators and datasets including ETISEO, AVSS 2007 and PETS 2009 show the effectiveness of the proposed tracker.

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