
Somatic follicle cells are critical support cells for Drosophila oogenesis, as they provide signals and molecules needed to produce a mature egg. Throughout this process, the follicle cells differentiate into multiple subpopulations and transition between three different cell cycle programs to support nurse cell and oocyte development. The follicle cells are mitotic in early egg chamber development, as they cover the germline cyst. In mid-oogenesis, follicle cells switch from mitosis to endocycling, increasing their ploidy from 2C to 16C. Finally, in late oogenesis, cells transition from endocycling to gene amplification, increasing the copy number of a small subset of genes, including the genes encoding proteins required for egg maturation. In order to explore the genetic regulation of these cell cycle switches and follicle cell development and specification, clonal analysis and the GAL4/UAS system are used frequently to reduce or increase expression of genes of interest. These genetic approaches combined with immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization are powerful tools for characterizing the mechanisms regulating follicle cell development and the mitosis/endocycle and endocycle/gene amplification transitions. This chapter describes the genetic tools available to manipulate gene expression in follicle cells, as well as the methods and reagents that can be utilized to explore gene expression throughout follicle cell development.

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