
The destructionof clouds by strong shocks and hot winds is the key process responsible for the transporting of metals and dust from the ISM to the ICM/IGM, and establishing the multiphase structure in and around galaxies. In this work, we perform a detailed analysis of this process using two different approaches for tracking the cloud material (gas and dust): the so-called ‘colored’ fluid, and the Lagrangian (trace) particles. We find that for the clouds in the hot phase (T>105 K), the two methods produce significantly different mass fractions and velocities of the cloud material. In contrast, the two methods produce similar results for the clouds that are in the warm/cold phases (T<105 K). We find that the Kelvin–Helmholtz instability is suppressed in the warm clouds of size ∼100 pc and metallicity Z> 0.1Zduetoeffectivegascooling.ThiscausesadelayinthedestructionofsuchcloudsthatareinteractingwiththehotICMflow.Wedemonstratethatthedustparticlesthatareevacuatedfromtheir‘parent’cloudstothehotmediumshowdifferentdynamicswhencomparedtothatoftheLagrangian(trace)particles.Ourresultsindicatethatthedustgrainssweptouttothehotgasaredestroyed.

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