
Due to their accessibility and anonymity, web-based counseling services are expanding at an unprecedented rate. One of the most prominent challenges such services face is repeated users, who represent a small fraction of total users but consume significant resources by continually returning to the system and reiterating the same narrative and issues. A deeper understanding of repeated users and tailoring interventions may help improve service efficiency and effectiveness. Previous studies on repeated users were mainly on telephone counseling, and the classification of repeated users tended to be arbitrary and failed to capture the heterogeneity in this group of users. In this study, we aimed to develop a systematic method to profile repeated users and to understand what drives their use of the service. By doing so, we aimed to provide insight and practical implications that can inform the provision of service catering to different types of users and improve service effectiveness. We extracted session data from 29,400 users from a free 24/7 web-based counseling service from 2018 to 2021. To systematically investigate the heterogeneity of repeated users, hierarchical clustering was used to classify the users based on 3 indicators of service use behaviors, including the duration of their user journey, use frequency, and intensity. We then compared the psychological profile of the identified subgroups including their suicide risks and primary concerns to gain insights into the factors driving their patterns of service use. Three clusters of repeated users with clear psychological profiles were detected: episodic, intermittent, and persistent-intensive users. Generally, compared with one-time users, repeated users showed higher suicide risks and more complicated backgrounds, including more severe presenting issues such as suicide or self-harm, bullying, and addictive behaviors. Higher frequency and intensity of service use were also associated with elevated suicide risk levels and a higher proportion of users citing mental disorders as their primary concerns. This study presents a systematic method of identifying and classifying repeated users in web-based counseling services. The proposed bottom-up clustering method identified 3 subgroups of repeated users with distinct service behaviors and psychological profiles. The findings can facilitate frontline personnel in delivering more efficient interventions and the proposed method can also be meaningful to a wider range of services in improving service provision, resource allocation, and service effectiveness.

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