
Specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC “VNIIZhT”) and Tracks and track facilities Department of the RUT (MIIT) initiated the procedure in consultation with the Test Center of the JSC “VNIIZhT”, tests were performed on the Test Loop of the JSC “VNIIZhT” in Shcherbinka. The experiment was carried out to confirm the possibility of straightening the track in the profile by instal ling under-slipper pads and pneumatic shovel packing (by padding with the use of a compressed air stream to transfer and distribute the fine gravel particles under the sleeper). The purpose of the test was to search for alternative ways for piling up crushed ballast. As a result of the experiment, it was established:the use of pads and pneumatic shovel packing provides a much greater stability of the track in the profile than the alignment of the track by padding the ballast under the sleepers with electric packing machine;pneumatic shovel packing creates a greater resistance to the sleeper creeping in the zone of the mechanical joint in comparison with the adjustment of punching rubble for sleepers with electric packing machine with identical fasteners (the experimental and control joints follow one another);alignment with the installation of pads and pneumatic shovel packing can be successfully applied on the railway track with a large missed tonnage and high pollution of the ballast prism. The results of the tests carried out on the Test Loop of the JSC “VNIIZhT” help to refine the advanced technologies for straighte ning the railway track in the profile to under-sleeper pads and pneumatic shovel packing for the future creation of experimental sections on the existing rail track and the possible extension of these ways of straightening the railway track in the profile to the entire network.


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  • Specialists of the Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport (JSC “VNIIZhT”) and Tracks and track facilities Department of the RUT (MIIT) initiated the procedure in consultation with the Test Center of the JSC “VNIIZhT”, tests were performed on the Test Loop of the JSC “VNIIZhT” in Shcherbinka

  • The experiment was carried out to confirm the possibility of straightening the track in the profile by installing under-slipper pads and pneumatic shovel packing

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9. Нивелировка стыка, выправленного суфляжем: а — левая рельсовая нить; б — правая рельсовая нить; 1 — 0 млн т на 20.10.2017; 2 — 2,5 млн т на 28.10.2017; 3 — 4,5 млн т на 02.11.2017; 4 — 23 млн т на 22.11.2017. Результаты нивелировки экспериментального стыка 402–403 представлены на рис. Ввиду того что контрольный стык соседствует с экспериментальным стыком, выправленным пневматическим суфляжем, в качестве репера также использовался болт оттяжки опоры No 103. При визуальном осмотре пути было выявлено, что в контрольном стыке началась сдвижка шпал с нарушением эпюры Выправки установкой подшпальных прокладок и пневматическим суфляжем могут успешно применяться на железнодорожном пути с большой наработкой тоннажа [8]. В результате экспериментальных исследований опытных технологий выправки пути на щебеночном балласте (выправка установкой подшпальных прокладок и выправка пневматическим суфляжем) установлено:. Использование подобных технологий должно привести к увеличению срока службы балластной призмы пути, что является особенно актуальным в настоящее время

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