
The present study included 414 adolescent boys aged 11–17 years and their fathers who volunteered as subjects. All the subjects belonged to Punjabi speaking Khatri, an endogamous urban population residing in Delhi, India. A set of five skinfold thicknesses: biceps, triceps, subscapular, suprailiac and medial calf along with body weight and stature were taken on all the subjects to report the pattern of subcutaneous fat distribution and responsiveness of different skinfold sites to fat deposition with variation in total body fat content. It has been noticed that 16- and 17-year-old sons assumed the pattern of subcutaneous fat distribution of their fathers, which was in favour of trunkal fat. Responsiveness of the five skinfold sites towards deposition of fat varied from site to site in various age groups with suprailiac skinfold sites found to be the most responsive followed by subscapular site. The sensitivity of skinfold sites to fat deposition with increase in weight was found to be greater in middle aged men (fathers) than growing boys (adolescent sons).

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