
Many (bio)geochemical processes that bring about changes in sediment chemistry normally begin at the sediment-water interface, continue at depth within the sediment column and may persist throughout the lifetime of sediments. Because of the differential reactivity of sedimentary phosphate phases in response to diagenesis, dissolution/precipitation and biological cycling, the oxygen isotope ratios of phosphate (δ 18O P) can carry a distinct signature of these processes, as well as inform on the origin of specific P phases. Here, we present results of sequential sediment extraction (SEDEX) analyses combined with δ 18O P measurements, aimed at characterizing authigenic and detrital phosphate phases in continental margin sediments from three sites (Sites 1227, 1228 and 1229) along the Peru Margin collected during ODP Leg 201. Our results show that the amount of P in different reservoirs varies significantly in the upper 50 m of the sediment column, but with a consistent pattern, for example, detrital P is highest in siliciclastic-rich layers. The δ 18O P values of authigenic phosphate vary between 20.2‰ and 24.8‰ and can be classified into at least two major groups: authigenic phosphate precipitated at/near the sediment-water interface in equilibrium with paleo-water oxygen isotope ratios (δ 18O w) and temperature, and phosphate derived from hydrolysis of organic matter (P org) with subsequent incomplete to complete re-equlibration and precipitated deeper in the sediments column. The δ 18O P values of detrital phosphate, which vary from 7.7–15.4‰, suggest two possible terrigenous sources and their mixtures in different proportions: phosphate from igneous/metamorphic rocks and phosphate precipitated in source regions in equilibrium with δ 18O w of meteoric water. More importantly, original isotopic compositions of at least one phase of authigenic phosphates and all detrital phosphates are not altered by diagenesis and other biogeochemical changes within the sediment column. These findings help to understand the origin and provenance of P phases and paleoenvironmental conditions at/near the sediment-water interface, and to infer post-depositional activities within the sediment column.

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